Exciting News! Dr. Bala Wins Best Documentary Award at Los Angeles' Japan Film Festival! ロサンゼルスのJapan Film FestivalにてBest Documentary賞を受賞!!

We are thrilled to announce that Dr. Bala has been awarded the Best Documentary at the prestigious Japan Film Festival in Los Angeles. This recognition holds special significance as it takes place in the hometown of filmmaker Koby Shimada, and it celebrates the rich tapestry of Japanese cinema.
Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to everyone who has supported Dr. Bala on this incredible journey. This award is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and passion that have gone into making this documentary a reality.

You can enjoy more updates and exclusive behind-the-scenes content on Dr. Bala official website


We're excited to share this fantastic news with all of you.

Dr. Balaがロサンゼルスで開かれた映画祭Japan Film FestivalにてBest Documentary賞を受賞致しました‼️

今回で18回目を迎えるJapan Film Festivalですが、実はコービー監督はこの映画祭の第一回の時にスタッフとして手伝いをし、その映画祭のCMなどを作り、映画祭を盛り上げる一役を担っていました。
Narrated by Toshiya Agata





Koby ShimadaComment